Tuesday 22 June 2010

June 22nd

Here we are hoping to be in the home stretch. Today we went off with Flavit to try to fix our aft cabin window that has something or other spilled on it. No luck being able to get it out of the frame so we'll have to try something else. He will try to buff it and, if that doesn't work, we'll be forced to get new windows eventually...but not yet as enough money spent. We also chose our lettering for Fortuitous. It is similar to the old, but a little different. We've got them in brown, instead of black. Since everything on Fortuitous is brown, it seemed the better choice. We'll see; more photos to come over the next few days.
This is our new propane box in the making. Getting there, but still a ways to go.
These are our new hatches, one over the nav station and one in the head. Getting there too!

This is how the cockpit looks now with the new seating arrangement after removing the aft cabin doors. It looks great and is...getting there.

There was a big space here, in the combing, so we had Flavit's crew cut an opening and fashion a storage box for winch handles etc.

Tuty is working hard to complete our headliner. There's a bit of sanding that needs new varnish...but an excellent job! We couldn't be happier with his work.

He finished up most of the headliner in the main salon today. It looks great too! We still need hatch trim for the small hatches. Bit by bit, but still a big mess. We need to sand the old hatch wood as it looks pretty crappy compared to the new trim. So much to do to clean up and yet so little time!!

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