Tuesday 20 July 2010

Last Renos to Fortuitous, July 2010

If you remember and earlier post, once we'd been "renamed", Gato had rubbed off the centre "a" in Canada...We were from Can da for a few days!
Here we are, "re-a'd" and with the monitor mounts in place. The window frames are all painted and look great too!
The new lettering is a slightly different font, but we think we like it even better.
This is the new arrangement for the cockpit. The small doors into our aft cabin used to be here. You can barely see our new hatch at the top of this photo.

This is the new propane/storage box on the stern. Not quite finished, but almost there. The newly varnished grabs are there with their new covers.
The crew are re-sealing our toe rail. Some of the caulking had to be removed in order to do a good job on the gel-coat.

Carlos and Jorge hard at it.

Meanwhile, Tuty is busy making our V-berth storage cabinet. The little block in the centre of the photo is his pattern for the corner moulding.

Lining things up with bits of string...it's amazing what equipment they can get by without.

We purchased 3-ply and Tuty veneered it with teak. What a great job!

Here's the corner moulding being put in place.

The side of the cabinet, with the corner in place.

Last fitting before trying it inside. Once he was ready, the entire thing barely fit through the companionway and into the forecabin. Not sure if he'd planned this to just fit, or we were just lucky!!

These are the tools he uses! The cabinet is to the right.
Unfortunately, this is a bit blurry, but it's the only shot we have right now. This is the almost finished cabinet. He trimmed around the doorway, and also the door, so it is a really nice finish.
I looked up from my cleaning and saw these feet in the window!
We have a shot of Greg almost like this one! This time it's Jorge finishing up inside the lazarette.
There he is! He fits a little better than Greg!
We built in the air conditioner to help keep down the mildew and mold. We'll see how that has worked when we return.
These are our new cockpit cushions. We needed new ones because of the different layout...and the old ones were 30+ years old.
These are our new settee cushions. I think I still like the older style, with the buttons, better. But these are much firmer and it would not look right with the buttons.

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