Wednesday 11 February 2009

Boca Chica, February 10th, 2009

We arrived in Boca Chica on Sunday, Feb. 8th. We thought the strong northerlies would be over, so left our nice secure anchorage in Isla Parida...but that was a big mistake! We saw 35 kts outside the entrance to the estuary leading to Boca Chica. It was extremely boisterous, to say the least!! Boca Chica is a tiny little town with no real dinghy landing and a few houses. We have been "boat bound" since then by the same winds. They were steady 15 to 20 with gusts to 35!! On top of that, there is a strong current in here. When we came in, it was so windy we just dropped the hook outside the other boats and prayed we'd stay hooked. We thought we could move later, if/when the wind calmed down. Well, we're still in the same spot and have been battered broadside as the wind hits us from that direction as we are facing into the river current. There are lots of back eddies and different current directions so boats seem to face every which way. It's all a bit hairy for us!! It seemed to calm down last night, so we tried out the restaurant on the point. It was still pretty windy up there, but a nice change since we haven't been in one for over a month!
Today we are heading into David, a larger city, to get supplies etc.
This is a little sand islet on the way into the anchorage for Boca Chica. Ralph would like to buy it.

The view from Frank's restaurant. A fisherman's lot is not an easy or dodging pelican doo doo!

Nuage and Fortuitous in relative calm down below the restaurant.
This is deceptive as it is still blowing and a very strong current.
Sunset in Boca Chica

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