Monday, 5 April 2010

Photos, Rio Azucar, Kuna Yala Jan. 2010

With so many aboard, we couldn't keep up with the water usage. Our watermaker only makes about 5 gallons an hour and we were using at least 20 gallons a day. So, we pulled into Rio Azucar where they had water for purchase. They don't get much company here, apparently, because we were a big attraction.

This shows the village as we are approaching.

If you look carefully, in this shot you can see all the litter and garbage ashore. We've watched as they throw buckets of crap in the water from their out house docks. I don't understand the mentality and why they can't see that the ocean doesn't take it away. In some cases it does, but only to end up onshore of the island across the way.

The view alongshore from aboard Fortuitous as we are taking on water.

One of the more interesting out houses.

The kids just love to be photographed. We take the photos and show them afterward. You'd almost like to have a polaroid camera so you could give them a hard copy every once in awhile.

Jeff chatting up the locals!

It was an interesting time to be there as the school was just loading up to leave.

A typical Kuna lady. She looks old, but who knows? They have a hard life...she could be 50??

School is mandatory until grade 3 and they are located in the larger islands. All loaded and ready to leave to take them to their own island.

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